How to Install Tiles around Your Shower Area

Our Tile Floor Install Expert Has Some Tricks to Share with You

Have you ever wondered why so many people prefer to book a tile floor install service when it comes to cover their bathroom space with tiles than to utilize DIY work? Well, it is probably because this job is not a monkey business and definitely requires a lot of knowledge and experience. In order to help you really understand the nature of this job yourself, our experts have prepared the following post that explains the process of tile application in the shower area. We are sure that you will find it very useful!

There are several areas that homeowners need to pay attention to:

  • Design
  • Layout
  • Fixtures
  • Placement
  • Drainage
  • Waterproofing

Here are a few things that you need to know before you tackle a DIY tile floor install project:

  1. Confirm the compatibility of the tile. Make sure that the setting products will work with the type of tile, as well as with the waterproofing system.
  2. Acknowledge waterproofing and drains. Place the waterproofing materials below the surface of the tile, and consult a contractor on how to assembly the drains. If you do not feel experienced enough to do it yourself, you’d better ask for the help of an expert with this task.
  3. Ensure that the mortar is covered properly. The shower tile installations require mortar to get the back of the tiles covered with it.
  4. Use silicone caulk for sealing. This will help you prevent mildew growth between the joints. This flexible sealant will also prevent cracking in the grout joints.

For more tips on tile floor install techniques for your bathroom, you can always turn to the team of Ceramic Solutions. Our flooring company is based in Knoxville TN and will always help you no matter what the size of your project is, big or small.

Call us at (865) 621-1717 if you want to obtain referrals from some of our previous customers, as well as information about the prices of our services.

We guarantee satisfactory results that will meet your standards!